Next, try your Chase account again in Banktivity. Look for any messages regarging verifying your account or referring to Quicken, then follow the instructions from the Secure Message to verify your account. I’m having Direct Download OFX issues with Chase accounts.

I purchased Quicken after all and have had no problem with direct. Then support suggested I change the user and password at Chase and start over. I've been using Moneydance on my iMac for about a year, in Spain (I was.
#Why cant i export spending over time report in quicken for mac 2018 update#
This is because I have experienced performance problems as the file grew, to the point it would take ten seconds or more for the update of a row of data in the register of all accounts. Granted over the years I made a few mistakes with Quicken in the area of retaining data in my current file. As I have aged, my investment savings records have become far more important than cash and credit accounts records.

Over the years I have dealt with numerous financial institutions, and have all my financial records, including years of investment account transactions housed in this product.